February Video Library

February 1, 2022 – February 23, 2022 all-day
Varies, see descriptions
Christina Davoile

Our library of training videos for February is below. Each video is one hour. The cost is $250 per teaching hour and includes access for all board members and staff in your school district. Click the desired date below the title/description to register.

Legal: Public Records – $250
Are communications sent via private electronic devices and accounts public records? Can board members be held personally liable for failing to comply with the public records law? What questions should board members ask to assess their district’s compliance with the law? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, make plans to attend this webinar for a primer on North Carolina’s public records law.
Click to purchase February 2-4
Click to purchase February 21-23

Legal: Common Liability Issues for School Boards – $250
Learn about the liability issues facing school boards.
Click to purchase February 2-4
Click to purchase February 21-23

Legal: Understanding Your Legal Duties as Board Chair – $250
The chair of a local board of education is responsible for presiding over meetings of the board, but what other duties does the chair have? Join this webinar for an overview of how board meetings are to be organized, scheduling and calling meetings, setting agendas, permissible reasons for closed session, and other essential topics.
Click to purchase February 2-4
Click to purchase February 21-23

Legal: NC Open Meetings Law for School Board Members– $250
Compliance with the Open Meetings Law provides for transparency and accountability and is vital to good school board governance. This webinar will provide an overview of the North Carolina Open Meetings Law as it applies to local school board members and official school board meetings. Topics will include types of meetings, notice requirements, open versus closed sessions, meeting minutes, public access and attendance, electronic and remote meetings, and other current and emerging issues related to legally compliant school board meetings.
Click to purchase February 2-4
Click to purchase February 21-23

Legal: Students’ Religious Rights – $250
Does a student have a First Amendment right to pray at school? Can a student be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance? Do students have a right to organize extracurricular religious clubs? This webinar will answer these and other questions related to the extent of a student’s right to engage in religious speech and activity at school.
Click to purchase Feb 2-4
Click to purchase February 21-23

Finance: Understanding Basic School Budget Finance – $250
This webinar will help school board members better understand the revenue sources of K-12 school funding, how state funds are allotted to LEAs, and the budget process at the state and local level.
Click to purchase February 8-10

Finance: Pension Spiking and QEBA – $250
As a board, you are responsible for considering pension spiking and QEBA in your finance planning. Join this webinar to make sure you have a plan for the future of all your employees.
Click to purchase February 8-10

Finance: LEA & Charter School Funding – $250
North Carolina public school funding is discussed during this one-hour video where you will understand the relationship between LEAs and charter schools.
Click to purchase February 8-10

Governance: Governing the System Through Board Policy – $250
School boards are tasked with creating the vision, mission, and goals of a district and then adopting policies that help staff bring the vision to life. During this webinar, you will explore the board’s role in policy.
Click to purchase February 14-16

Governance: Your Role as a Legislative Advocate – $250
Explore your advocacy role at the state level during this one-hour video.
Click to purchase February 14-16

Christina DavoileFebruary Video Library